
英语作文:你有过露营的经历吗,如果有 ,那段旅程是怎么样的,如果没有你愿意去吗,什么是露营中最好或

英语作文:你有过露营的经历吗,如果有 ,那段旅程是怎么样的,如果没有你愿意去吗,什么是露营中最好或


英语作文:你有过露营的经历吗,如果有 ,那段旅程是怎么样的,如果没有你愿意去吗,什么是露营中最好或

Usually we go out. A lot of times it's snowshoeing and cross-country skiing. We go out and we build a little hut basically by digging down and go underneath and stay there for the night and come out. It's really cold.I think that the biggest thing is that when you go out there it's really, really silent. You don't see a lot of thing out and about because it's cold. So it's just really quiet and it's really, really peaceful.