




The same to you. You too. 双语例句: 1.“哎呀,哎呀!”麦金农叹息道,“你也一样。” 'Oh dear, oh dear.' McKinnon sighed. 'You, too.' 2.也许你也一样。 Maybe you have too 扩展资料其他例句1.任何人都能去练习,你也一样。 Anybody can go and practice, even you. 2.你对我有要求,我对你也一样。 You want something from me, and I from you. same反义词--different 音标:英 [ˈdɪfrənt] 美 [ˈd

the same to you 同样对你;你也一样;同贺,也祝愿你 短语 T The Same To You 吉他摇滚 and the same to you 你也一样 ; 你也一样吧 ; 和你一样 ; 和对你 扩展资料 双语例句 1、She might not even know it, but she’ll be doing the same to you! 她当然不会知道你在想什么,不过她会跟你想的一样。 2、Cherish your relationships with your clients, and they will do the same to you, and even r

你也一样,用英语是you too。 you too 英[ju: tu:] 美[ju tu] [词典] 你也是; 你也一样 [例句]It's ridiculous to play it cool if someone you're mad about is mad about you too. 如果让你生气的人也在生你的气,而你还要假装冷静,那就太可笑了。 MARY: You too, Peter. MARY:你也玩的开心啊,Peter。 You too, will grow old. 因为你也是会变老的。 And to the C students I say you too may one


The same to you