




任何事情都是一把双刃剑,英文翻译为:Everything is a double-edged sword。 详细翻译: 1、双刃剑:double-edged sword 例如: But consumption, for people of faith, is a double-edged sword. 但对自由市场的信仰者而言,消费是把双刃剑。 2、double-edged sword的同近义词:two-edged sword。 例如: 1、For vendors, standardization is a two-edged sword. 对于厂商来说,标准化是一把双刃剑。 2、Global

任何事情都是一把双刃剑”的英文: Anything is a double-edged sword 重点词汇 任何any; whatever; whichever 事情thing; matter; affair; business; circs 双刃剑rapier 拓展资料: 最普通:Every coin has two sides. 较好用法:Anything is a double-edged sword 高级用法:Every cloud has a sliver lining. A rose has its thorns. For every plus there is a minus.

最普通:Every coin has two sides. 较好用法:Anything is a double-edged sword 高级用法:Every cloud has a sliver lining. A rose has its thorns. For every plus there is a minus.

Anything is a double-edged sword. 或者:Any two-sided nature of all things.(任何事情都有双面性)

Everything has two sides.