







one of a set of small pieces of stiff paper marked in various ways and used for playing games or for telling fortunes;

"he collected cards and traded them with the other boys"

a card certifying the identity of the bearer;

"he had to show his card to get in"

a rectangular piece of stiff paper used to send messages(may have printed greetings or pictures);

"they sent us a card from Miami"

thin cardboard,usually rectangular

a witty amusing person who makes jokes

a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement;

"a poster advertised the coming attractions"

a printed or written greeting that is left to indicate that you have visited

(golf)a record of scores(as in golf);

"you have to turn in your card to get a handicap"

a list of dishes available at a restaurant;

"the menu was in French"

(baseball)a list of batters in the order in which they will bat;

"the managers presented their cards to the umpire at home plate"

a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities


separate the fibers of;

"tease wool"

ask someone for identification to determine whether he or she is old enough to consume liquor;

"I was carded when I tried to buy a beer!"





cardamom n.小豆蔻(一种姜科多年生草本植物);

cardboard n.卡(片)纸板;纸板箱;硬纸板;adj.硬纸板制的;虚假的;

cardholder n.持有信用卡的人,持有正式成员证的人,(持卡可获得某种权利的)持卡人;

cardia n.贲门;前胃;心窝;

cardiac adj.心脏(病)的;(胃的)贲门的;n.心脏病患者;强心剂;

cardialgia n.胃灼痛,心痛;

cardigan n.毛衣,羊毛衫;羊毛背心;开襟绒线衫;

cardinal n.基数;红衣主教;大红色,深红色;女式斗篷;adj.基本的,最重要的;大红色的,深红色的;

cardinalate n.枢机主教之职;



cardiogenic adj.心脏性的,心原性的;

cardiogram n.心电图;心动图;

cardiograph n.心(动)电(流)图;

cardioid n.心脏线;(灵敏度模式呈心形的)定向麦克风;adj.心脏线形的;(麦克风)灵敏度模式呈心脏形的;

cardiology n.心(脏)病学;

cardiomegaly n.心脏扩大症;心肥大;

cardiomyopathy n.心肌病;

cardiopathy n.心脏病;

cardiopulmonary adj.<;医>;心肺的;

cardiorespiratory adj.心和肺的;

cardiovascular adj.心血管的;

carditis n.心脏炎;心肌炎;

cardoon n.刺棘蓟;菜蓟;

cardsharp n.打牌常作弊者;

discard vt.丢弃,抛弃;解雇;出牌;n.被抛弃的人[物];丢弃,抛弃;打出的牌;打出的牌;vi.出无用的牌;垫牌;


placard n.招贴,布告;标语牌;海报;vt.张贴布告于,在…上贴广告;公布;悬挂(标语等);

scorecard n.记分卡;

timecard n.工作时间记录卡,考勤卡;


indicator card指示器卡片;

parameter card参数卡;

card form卡片式;

detail card细目卡片,明细卡片;

greetings card n.贺卡;

card bin卡片箱;

card field卡片字段,卡片上的一段;

ration card定量供应卡;

cost card成本卡;

granular card微粒梳棉机,无盖板梳棉机;

card files n.卡片文件;


CARD n.卡片;纸牌;明信片;信用卡;vt.记于卡片上;

CARD.card.[医][=calcium restricted diet]限钙膳食;

card-to-card transceiving卡片-卡片收发;

card-to-card communication卡片通信;

card-to-card converter卡片卡片转换器;

subject card主题卡;

laser card激光卡;

debit card n.借记卡,签帐卡,提款卡;

card insertion卡片插入;

card nipper纹板冲孔机;