
industrial engineering 到底是什么? 这个专业学什么? 出来就业又是哪方面呢? 跪求高人指点??

industrial engineering 到底是什么? 这个专业学什么? 出来就业又是哪方面呢? 跪求高人指点??


industrial engineering 到底是什么? 这个专业学什么? 出来就业又是哪方面呢? 跪求高人指点??

这里有两个学校对Industrial Engineering 的介绍,看看就应该了解了:


Industrial Engineering has been traditionally concerned with the analysis, design and control of materials, work and information in operating systems.

A distinguishing focus has been the integration of humans, machines, and materials to achieve optimum performance of operating systems. Methods of operations research and ergonomics provide the fundamental tools for performing this analysis and integration.

More recently the field has expanded to include non-industrial operations involving supply, distribution, transportation, communication and information handling, medical care and safety. The design and control of these systems requires the use of scientific methods in a variety of research and application areas.


Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering

Enterprise systems engineers work to solve real-world problems through the integration of engineering and business principles. They are often technical people who can manage budgets and projects and lead other people. Industrial systems engineers work to improve performance and productivity, using optimization approaches and solving problems through a systems approach. Our graduates often serve as a link between engineering and management. Graduates work in such fields as automotive, controls systems, manufacturing, business systems integration and consulting, communication and computer systems, construction, engineering administration, marketing, product testing, operations and quality control, and robotics.

Hope that it helps!