
The lottery 的大概意思

The lottery 的大概意思


The lottery 的大概意思

《The Lottery》是Larry Yust导演的一部剧情电影。这是篇隐喻故事。故事设定在一个架空的,保留着古老传统的村庄。每年,族长都会从黑箱子里选出一个人来献祭。献祭的方式即是被所有其他村人活活砸死。为什么大家要用石头砸中奖的人呢?为了祭祀。但是祭祀本身就是一个相当古老的,已经过时了的传统。村民们自己估计也不知道为什么要保留这这么个传统,只是被动地年年重复着一个机械化的程序,甚至对死亡视而不见。这部小说想讽刺的就是人类墨守着陈腐的老旧的事情的愚昧。拓展资料:剧情简介美国女作家Shirley Jackson的短篇《摸彩》的电影版。Shirley Jackson's superb short story "The Lottery" has been filmed three times, most notably in 1969 as an acclaimed short film which director Larry Yust made for an Encyclop?dia Britannica educational film series. The Academic Film Archive cited Yust's short as "one of the two bestselling educational films ever".Larry Yust's short film, The Lo...