
谁知道蔡依琳的LOVE LOVE LOVE 的英文版是什么?

谁知道蔡依琳的LOVE LOVE LOVE 的英文版是什么?


谁知道蔡依琳的LOVE LOVE LOVE 的英文版是什么?



俄罗斯性感尤物辣妹三人行,蔡依琳LOVE LOVE LOVE原唱团体,STOP!STOP!STOP!爱情急刹车!

天生姣好的外貌、性感的身材曲线以及甜美诱惑人心的嗓音,再加上她们可人的笑容、亲切的本性以及南斯拉夫民族鲜明的性格,使得她们得以立即地掳获人心,无论所到何处皆攻无不克、成功地登上排行榜,收服所有听者的心,就连“少女杀手”蔡依林都难逃其魅力,将其热门畅销单曲“Stop! Stop! Stop!”重新翻唱,成为其最新专辑的主打曲“Love Love Love”——而她们就是来自乌克兰的三人女子合唱团Nu Virgos!

“2003年俄罗斯最受欢迎团体”,狂飙12白金唱片销售佳绩,创下了每35分钟就被音乐电视台播出一次MV记录。在日缔创有史以来新人首周专辑销售最高纪录。美国告示牌杂志的姐妹刊物 Music& Media,大力推崇Nu Virgos将是最有希望于国际间脱颖而出的俄罗斯团体. !



no i didn t trust him but he rushed me to feel

tried me mesmerize to me with his all sex appeal

told me everything that i was longing to hear

shine and handsome my souvenir

and then all of sudden i have fallen in love

he would put me down but i still place him above

tired of searching for the love that still lives in him

given my everything like a souvenir

given up my heart in the name of the memory

fallen down like rain he could feel every drop

now i know have have the courage to tell him

tell him to stop!stop!stop!

given up my heart in the name of the memory

fallen down like rain he could taste every drop

now i know have have the courage to tell him

tell him to stop!stop!stop

i抳e become invisible i melt away at night

dreams for once so colorful become black and white

loving once so wonderful is no longer here

so i ll keep this feeling like a souvenir

given up my heart in the name of the memory

fallen down like rain he could feel every drop

now i know have have the courage to tell him

tell him to stop!stop!stop!